A photo of me
A photo of me


One of the purposes of building this website is for practicing my coding skills. Yep, I coded the entire website and keep iterating it for more than 10 years. Half of me is graphic and design, and the other half is coding and technology.

Before work as a designer, I studied in Monash University, a top university located in Melbourne, and it's also one of the very few universities offering postgraduate study in Multimedia Design before 2010. I took courses from Art & Design Faculty, and also from IT Faculty, where I started enjoying coding. Understanding of code helps me become a designer with strong technology foundation.

I believe a good designer should know not only how to design, but also how to implement the design.

Feel free to reach out for any opportunity!

Though I love living in different cities, now I stay in Guangzhou with my family.

The location of Guangzhou on Google map:

Thank you for your visit : )